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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Still editing picture,

Yes, I'm still editing picture at this very moment.
Tomorrow I'm going to have my Chemistry and Add.Math exam but I'm still here sitting in front of my comp.
See it? I've got the time to change my blog skin and banner.
And they are nice, i know right. And I'm proud of it.
But how about my textbook!?!?!?
Argh@@ I'm really getting lazier nowadays..
Just can't concentrate on my studies..keep falling asleep when reading those notes.
Haiz. Not even finishing revising one subject, not even ONE! oh meee gosh.
How am I going to sit for the exam?!

Okay, I'll put that aside first.
Now I'm going to introduce to you all an amazing software to edit picture that I found recently.
It's been popular for quite a time...I've seen so much people using it...
well, I just start using it NOW.
So what? I still managed to catch up! :D
Okay, this software is actually...
teehee :D
very familiar huh?
what? You're already using it?!

Anyway, you can still update or download it from its official forum :
It's safe to download, I mean, from its official forum..
But I'm not sure whether it's safe or not to download from other website @@.

So, I'll end here.
Pointless post huh?
Yea, that's me.
POINTLESS. teehee :D